What's in this podcast?

In this episode of Hub and Spoken, Jason Foster talks about why good communication is key in so many aspects of life, and especially data and analytics.

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One Big Message

Communication is key in all areas of life. If you aren’t able to convey your thoughts effectively, or someone else’s ideas back to them, then no progress will be made. In the world of data, communication is the cornerstone of sharing complex ideas with stakeholders, and helping to facilitate the big changes use of data can bring to both companies and customers.

[00:07] A quick scenario to highlight the importance of communication

[01:11] Why effective communication is key in almost every aspect of your life

[02:00] How poor communication isn’t just about fumbling words, but rather choosing the wrong message to express in a situation

[03:15] The large change data brings to a company and culture, and why repetitive communication is necessary

[04:11] Tailoring your communication for different audiences

Why communication is so important

There’s a reason that communication is called the “key to success.” Good communication skills are essential in any relationship, whether it be with a spouse, friend, or co-worker. Without effective communication, misunderstandings and conflict are inevitable.

Communication doesn’t just mean talking; it also includes listening, body language, and non-verbal cues. If we can learn how to effectively communicate with others, we can build better relationships, and be clearly understood by others.


Communication in data and analytics

Data is only valuable if it can be effectively communicated to those who need to use it. Often, data is siloed within different parts of an organisation and not properly shared. Effective communication in data requires breaking down these barriers and creating a culture of data sharing. Data analysts need to be able to communicate with business users, IT staff, and other stakeholders in order to get the most value from their data.

By creating effective communication in data, organisations can make better decisions and improve their bottom line.


Using different communication strategies that cater for others

How we communicate with others is an important aspect of our lives. We use communication to build relationships, share information and ideas, and resolve conflicts. While there are many different ways to communicate, some strategies work better than others depending on the situation and the person we are communicating with. For example, visuals and graphics can provide a lot of intricate information at once, and some people may prefer an environment where they are able to ask questions and have a conversation about something rather than viewing information.


To summarise

We were all born with the ability to communicate. However, being able to effectively communicate is a skill that is cultivated over time. Ability to master good communication brings the potential to open up opportunities and create stronger relationships.


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